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It Is Not This nor This Is It


Description of one of the perforer:
About the piece, one could say: “It is what it is”.
But then the question could be asked: “ What is it?”
I could write a pseudo philosophical text on what the idea behind our piece is,
but in the end that would not be it, would it?
Most probably it would not be the same in Your brain (audience) than it would be in Mine (one of the performer) or even in His (the other performer).
But at least it is, and you are and we are.

Description of the other performer:
Περιπλανώμενος σε μία πόλη οι εικόνες και οι ήχοι που αντιλαμβάνεσαι, αλλάζουν ολοκληρωτικά σε δευτερόλεπτα. Όμως αθροιστικά, οι φαινομενικά τυχαίες παραστάσεις δημιουργούν μία σαφή εντύπωση.

CREDITS: Movement and Sound by Jakob Jautz and Sotiris Ziliaskopoulos 
Premier March 2019 Megaro Athens